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Showing posts from June, 2017

Being Washed by Christ

I was having a tough day, today. I was being coaxed into making a huge decision that would impact the rest of my life, and it was a choice that I didn't even want to make. I came back to my room the first chance I got, and let all the emotion out. And after I had relieved some of that buildup in my chest, I remembered John 13:8, "Unless I wash you, you have no part with me". I had remembered it a few weeks ago, when I was praying, and again today. And by the time I washed my face and blew my nose, this entire thing fell into place.  As God says in Isaiah 48:10, "See, I have refined you, though not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction." The fact of the matter is: God allows trouble in our lives, and although that might sounds rude or harsh to some, it's not very different from a mother allowing her infant to touch the outside of a hot cup of tea so that the child will learn what "hot" means. The experience, although painful, te...